Born in 1988 in the southern side of a northern province of the Netherlands called Friesland. For as long as I can remember creativity was the most existing part of my personality with one of my earliest memories being my father teaching me the fundamentals of photography.
Once I danced my way out of my hometown I found a new home at the dance academy where I studied dance for four years, finally majoring in modern dance and ballet.
After graduating I started my professional dancing career in the big city of Amsterdam and am proud to call it my new home. After 8 years of experience choreographing, both on and off stage, the seed my father planted all these years ago finally came to flourish as I took over his photography -skills and made it my own profession.
Dancer & Photographer
2020 Foto Academie Amsterdam
2009-2013 Bachelor Contemporary/Dance theatre Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Tilburg